The Christian Science Provider Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation registered in Massachusetts. This is a provider network of Christian Science nursing institutions.


We provide support for the legal rights of individual Christian Scientists in the United States to utilize benefits in their health insurance policies.


Are you interested in becoming a provider for Christian Science services in the Christian Science Provider Network? Visit our national Directory of Christian Science Care Facilities.

Managed Care

Learn about Managed Care and Religious Nonmedical Health Care Facilities.

About CS Provider Network

The Christian Science Provider Network is a 501(c)(3) non profit network created so patients will have access to Christian Science care through their health plan.


Do you want to learn about how the religious nonmedical health care institution benefit works under Medicare Advantage for patients in Christian Science nursing facilities?


Best Practices webinars to help facilities manage their insurance billing processes.  (this is a password protected page)


The Christian Science Provider Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation created to assist Christian Science providers in becoming in-network providers for health plans that have a Christian Science benefit. Christian Science providers who join the Network are independent contractors. If you are an accredited Christian Science nursing facility and interested in applying for membership in the Network, click here.

For health plans, the Christian Science Provider Network provides:

  • Rigorous credentialing of Network members
  • Consistent billing for services through the use of fee schedules negotiated with health plans
  • Electronic claims submission to health plans

The Christian Science Provider Network Board has members who have extensive experience in the delivery of spiritual care and in business and health plans. The Board oversees all actions of the officers of the Network. Officers are a CEO and a Spiritual Care Director.

Donations can be mailed to:

Christian Science Provider Network
c/o Wanda Millett/Office Manager
61 Pleasant Street, PO Box 73
Newburyport, MA, MA 01950




Make a Donation